Difficulties in the Operation of Sovereign Wealth Funds in China and the Countermeasures 我国国家主权财富基金运营的困难与对策分析
On audit of non-war operation funds and materials ensuring 非战争军事行动经费物资保障审计研究
For loaners, the development of the stock market expanded channels for enterprises to raise funds reduced the demand for bank loans and shortened the time space of operation for funds. 对于债权人,股票市场的发展为企业的融资扩大了渠道,减少了对银行的贷款需求,缩短了资金运作的时间空间。
Experts in finance, securities and venture funds will also be invited to explain the operation of venture funds. 邀请金融、证券和风险投资界的专家介绍风险投资运作方式。
Putting into operation for construction funds of special passenger railway line will lay solid foundation undoubtedly for builders'procurement of top quality and high efficient construction machinery. 客运专线建设资金的投入无疑为建设者们采购优质、高效的工程建设机械打足了底气。
Closed operation of grain purchase funds 粮食收购资金实行封闭运行
The operation of funds of an insurance company is confined to bank deposits, purchasing of government bonds, financial bonds and other way of fund operation provided for by the State Council. 保险公司的资金运用,限于在银行存款、卖政府债券、融债券和国务院规定的其他资金运用形式。
Operation of oil funds and oil banks is the impetus of market. The laws and the regulations of financial support are the guarantee. Some applicable measures are given to promote the innovation, the supervision and the management. 石油基金、石油外汇和石油银行的运作是石油市场发展的动力,并通过石油金融支持的法律法规、部门规章程序加以保障。
Accuracy of clothing sales forecasting plays an important role in marketing plan, production arrangement and effective operation of funds of an enterprise. 服装销售预测的准确性对企业的营销企划、生产安排、资金有效运作起着重要作用。
The basic experiences for its success can be summarized in four respects of entrepreneurs, internal system reform, operation of funds and marketing. 东方通信成功的基本经验可以总结为企业家、内部体制改革、资金运作、市场营销四个方面。
Simultaneously, in a certain capital market fund-managers have to systemically consider the pressure coming from various aspects. The operation of funds needs to find the dynamic equilibrium point of maximizing revenues and minimum venture. 同时,在既定的资本市场中,投资基金管理人必须系统地考虑来自各方面的压力,投资基金的运作需要不断地寻找最大化收益与最小风险的动态均衡点。
On the basis of study through demonstration on security market, finally puts forward suggestions that standardized operation of funds and legalized management of supervise are both necessary to improve the efficiency of the security market in China. 在实证研究的基础上,提出要提高中国证券投资基金的运作效率,必须提倡基金的规范运作和法制化管理。
The article details the governance structure of funds, operation of funds, and management of fund management companies and finds out the institutional inducement that leads to the continuing dishonest investment in China. 本文章详细地分析了我国基金治理结构和基金管理公司管理机制上的问题,找出了中国基金累次违规、损害基金持有人利益的制度诱因。
So the application of Information Technology standardizes funds management procedure, enables the enterprise group to real-time control on funds operation based on funds information share, thus provides service for the funds administrator's decision. 信息技术的运用规范了资金管理流程,使企业集团能够在资金信息共享的基础上对资金运用进行实时监控,从而为资金管理决策提供服务。
Operation of silviculture funds in State-owned Forest Farm 国有林场营林生产资金运行研究
On the other hand, the efficiency of fund use screening DEA model for the efficient analysis of samples funds and variable variance analysis pointed out the need to improve the direction of the operation of the Funds. 另一方面,运用放映基金效率的DEA模型对样本基金进行了效率分析和差额变数分析,指出了基金运营中需要改进的方向。
Nowdays, government accounting cannot reflect overall operation of funds and cannot embody "invisible liabilities". It cannot show abundant information. 现行政府会计不能全面反映政府的资金运动,无法体现政府的“隐性债务”,反映信息不充分。
After WTO entry, the transnational operation and foreign funds introduction of the enterprises have increased obviously, the new international accounting businesses occur continuously, and being as the general language in the international trade, the accounting will play a more important role. 加入WTO后,企业跨国经营和引进外资会明显增加,新的国际会计业务将不断出现,而会计作为国际贸易通用的语言将会发挥更加重要的作用。
This explains the reason why so many small investors in Chinese stock market are following up the operation of starring funds. 3 、 The following-up behavior of small investors would bring many negative side effects to the starring funds and even to the whole equity market. 这很好地解释了,为什么在中国证券市场,这么多的投资者跟随明星基金操作。3、跟随行为会给明星基金和整个证券市场带来不少负面影响。
In 2006 the national agricultural tax was abolished, countryside organization has generally decreased in operation funds. 2006年全国农业税取消,农村基层组织运转经费普遍减少。
Enterprises do not have to pay for the merger of a large number of cash and thus affect the operation of the funds. 企业不必为合并支付大量的现金,从而影响到本身资金的运转。
And as a result of the special purpose of the well-being of the enterprises, there are special requirements for operation of the funds 'safety, profitability and long-term. 并且由于为企业职工谋福利的特殊目的,因而对基金运营的安全性、盈利性、长期性有特殊的要求。
High security and appropriate liquidity, the two basic principles should be noted that when the operation of insurance funds. 高安全性、高收益性和适度的流动性,是保险融资职能发挥时最应当注意的三项基本原则。
Well protected because these are to protect the safe operation of financial funds. 财政资金因为这些保障才能安全运行。
The major characteristic is shown by the closed-loop operation funds in food purchasing. 这一阶段的主要表现是粮食收购方面的资金封闭运行。
According to changes of business scope, it can be broadly divided into three stages: a single stage of financial development, closed-loop operation funds and comprehensive stage of financial development. 根据农业发展银行业务范围的变更,可以将农业发展银行的发展历程大致分为以下三个阶段:单一的开发性金融阶段、资金封闭运行阶段以及综合性开发金融阶段。
The difference of the legal forms and operation of funds will make significant effect upon the result of regulation. The right of redemption of investors of open-end funds may positively prevent the behaviors of conflict of interest. 基金法律组织形式和运作方式的不同对规制有较大的影响,开放式基金投资者的退出权对遏制利益冲突行为的发生具有很好的作用。
Specific steps, internet construction, trade system implementation, business website operation and bank funds trusteeship management. 具体实现步骤:电子商务网络建设、交易系统规划实施、商务网站规划实施、银行资金托管实施。
For social security fund, multilayer the principal-agent relationship formed in the process of operation funds complete chain of social security fund, namely the principal-agent chain. 对于社保基金而言,多层多级的委托代理关系构成了基金运营过程中完整的链条,即社保基金的委托代理链。
At the same time improve the law, to build a structured, clear and reasonable structure, powers and responsibilities clear legal system to protect the safe operation of pension funds. 同时完善法律规定,构建一个层次分明,结构清晰合理,权责明确的法律体系来保障养老保险基金的安全运营。